A diet that is designed to improve the health of billions of bacteria living in your digestive system has been shown to reduce body weight and mitigate depression.
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Tag Search - " Digestive Health "

Prebiotics and probiotics for irritable bowel syndrome
An updated review of clinical studies found evidence for probiotics for symptom relief, but no clear superiority of any particular product. Current evidence does not strongly support the use of prebiotics.
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Gene-diet interaction may explain gut disease
A novel diet-gene interaction may help explain why some people experience digestive problems with certain carbohydrate rich foods.
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Kefir for digestive regularity
Regularly taking the fermented food Kefir has been found to help in the treatment of constipation in some people.
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Low-nickel diet for irritable bowel syndrome
Sensitivity to foods high in nickel could cause irritable bowel syndrome, and a new dietary approach has been found to be remarkably successful.
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Food intolerance testing helps personalise diet
A personalised elimination diet based on food intolerance testing reduced digestive symptoms effectively.
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