Personal care products such as cosmetics, lotions, and fragrances might increase risk of breast cancer, with frequent users of beauty and skin products at highest risk.
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Tag Search - " Environmental Toxins "
Featured: Toxic cosmetics linked to breast cancer

Toxic diet linked to low birth weight babies
By defining a toxic-diet score a research group have been able to uncover a potential link between diet during pregnancy, exposure of the foetus to toxins, and reduced birth weight in newborns.
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Bisphenol A increases emotional problems in 3 year old girls
Everyone in the industrialised world is exposed to bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used in many common consumer products including food and beverage containers. Prenatal exposure to BPA may increase behavioural and emotional problems in young girls.
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Cancer causing environmental chemicals grossly underestimated
This is the verdict of a recent panel on environmental chemicals and cancer risk. The panel, appointed by the US presidency has heavily criticised the US National Cancer Program for not adequately addressing this issue.
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Environmental pollutants, not obesity may drive diabetes development
Common environmental pollutants may cause type-2 diabetes, in fact this association has been found to be so strong that it is challenging notions that diabetes is simply the end result of being overweight.
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Practical tips for cleansing and detoxification
Environmental pollutants are widespread though our environment including in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. Minimising exposure and improving your bodys ability to detoxify is an important step towards reducing the effects of these chemicals and improving your health.
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