Fermented foods are of increasing interest nutritionally because they are a source of bacteria which may confer health benefits. But are they healthy or is it just hype? A new review summarises the science.
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Tag Search - " Fermented Food"
Featured: Health benefits of fermented foods

Green olives are a probiotic super food
A clinical study has shown that eating green Sicilian olives for 30-days can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, result in weight loss, and improve digestive health.
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Fermented foods reduce social anxiety
Probiotics have been shown to influence our mood and a new study has found that fermented foods rich in probiotics may reduce social anxiety.
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Kimchi changes gut bacteria and has anti-obesity effects
The traditional fermented food kimchi has been shown to reduce gut bacteria linked to obesity, while changing the expression of genes related to metabolic syndrome.
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Kefir improves digestive health
Kefir is not your average fermented food; unlike most yoghurt it is rich in probiotic bacteria and may improve regularity and digestive health.
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Sauerkraut: super food, or health risk?
Fermented foods such as Sauerkraut are being increasingly cited as super foods in pop nutrition, but a new scientific review of Sauerkraut tells a very different story.
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