Late sleep timing and a disrupted biological clock is associated with several health issues and the cause is a lack of natural light dark cycles in modern environments, according to some remarkable new research.
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Tag Search - " Melatonin "

Want better sleep? Go natural.
By comparing sleep patterns of traditional people living without electricity with a modern village, electric lighting has been linked to worse sleep in a natural setting, for the first time.
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eReaders sabotage your sleep
A recent study found that, compared to a book, a light-emitting eReader suppresses melatonin, impairs your sleep and reduces next day alertness.
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Light at night increases breast cancer risk
A new study suggests that ambient light at night in urban environments may increase risk of breast cancer in women; disruption of your natural body clock may be to blame.
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Light at night increases obesity risk
Diet and exercise alone do not explain the obesity epidemic, and one of the strongest emerging risk factors for weight gain is disruption of our natural circadian rhythm from artificial nighttime light exposure.
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Electric lighting, circadian disruption and disease: shedding light on a dark issue
Increasing use of electric lighting has resulted in disruption of our circadian rhythm and, through subsequent changes in our metabolism may contribute to diseases as diverse as obesity and breast cancer. Ironically, this idea has largely remained in the dark.
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