People who eat more dietary flavonoids are protected against weight gain, and these phytonutrients outdo genetic influences. Colour is the new calories.
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Tag Search - " Obesity"

Ashwagandha for stress-related obesity
A clinical study of Ashwagandha root extract has found it may help lower stress, reduce stress-related eating, and reduce body weight.
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What happens when you eat a handful of walnuts daily?
A daily serve of walnuts in women at high risk for diabetes significantly improved diet quality and lowered cardiovascular risk, with no negative effect from extra calories.
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Glutamine improves gut bacteria in obesity
The amino acid glutamine is used to improve gastrointestinal health, and a new pilot study suggests it may change your gut bacteria in a way that favors weight loss.
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Light at night increases obesity risk
Diet and exercise alone do not explain the obesity epidemic, and one of the strongest emerging risk factors for weight gain is disruption of our natural circadian rhythm from artificial nighttime light exposure.
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Probiotic shows promise for obesity and diabetes
Probiotics might be able to help improve your blood sugar and body weight, according to a new study showing that the probiotic yeast Saccharomyces boulardii reversed diabetes and obesity by improving gastrointestinal health and reducing inflammation.
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