Further support for organic food comes from a new study showing that an organic diet quickly reduces exposure to toxic pesticides and herbicides.
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Tag Search - " Organic"

BPA-free products still toxic
Bisphenol A, a toxic chemical used in plastics and other products, is being increasingly restricted but the chemicals used to replace it may be just as bad.
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Organic food associated with 58% lower risk of birth defects
A study from Norway has found that that women who ate organic food during pregnancy were 58% less likely to deliver boys with a common urogenital birth defect.
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Organic diet lowers pesticide levels in kids
Pesticide residues in food are an important source of exposure to toxic chemicals in children, and an increasing number of studies suggest an organic diet can help reduce exposure.
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Organic food eaters have lower pesticide levels
A new and clever analysis of exposure to pesticides in food has found that people who occasionally buy organic foods have significantly lower pesticide levels in their bodies.
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Pesticide detox with organic food
Organophosphate pesticides are ever-present in our environment, especially in our food, and linked to behavioural problems in children and several important chronic diseases in adults. New research has shown that dietary avoidance can rapidly reduced exposure and allow your body to detoxify itself, and fast.
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