All food packaging including plastic, cardboard, metal, glass and ceramics can harbor potentially toxic chemicals that migrate into food.
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Tag Search - " Pollution "
Featured: Chemicals in your food from packaging

Organic food associated with 58% lower risk of birth defects
A study from Norway has found that that women who ate organic food during pregnancy were 58% less likely to deliver boys with a common urogenital birth defect.
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Want better sleep? Go natural.
By comparing sleep patterns of traditional people living without electricity with a modern village, electric lighting has been linked to worse sleep in a natural setting, for the first time.
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Organic diet drops pesticides by 90%
Organically grown foods are considerably lower in potentially toxic, synthetic chemicals like pesticides and for the first time a study has shown that switching to organic food can reduce your pesticide levels, fast.
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Air pollution a leading cause of cancer deaths
It has been recently concluded that air pollution is a leading cause of cancer related deaths by the U.N.'s International Agency for Research on Cancer.
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Fish oil counters air pollution
Live in a city? Well, your chances of heart disease are higher because of the air pollution but a fish oil supplement can counter that.
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