Isolated prebiotics and polyphenols are sold as gut health supplements, but an intriguing study suggests that whole, unrefined food sources may sometimes be better.
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Tag Search - " Prebiotics "

Prebiotics and probiotics for irritable bowel syndrome
An updated review of clinical studies found evidence for probiotics for symptom relief, but no clear superiority of any particular product. Current evidence does not strongly support the use of prebiotics.
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Bugs for bugs? Edible insects as prebiotics
Edible insects are emerging as a sustainable, eco-friendly alternative to meat, but health effects beyond basic nutritional value has not been documented. In a novel exploratory study edible crickets were found to have significant prebiotic effects.
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Phytonutrients and prebiotics improve gut health
A combination of phytonutrients and prebiotic fibre improved gut bacterial profiles and reduced bloating, gas, and abdominal pain.
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Prebiotics reduce anxiety
A study adds to evidence that prebiotic fibre could could be useful for people with digestive complaints, showing that it significantly improves gut bacteria and reduces symptoms of anxiety.
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Date fruit improve gut health and reduce toxicity
Palm date fruits are rich in phytonutrients and soluble fibre and new clinical research suggests they can quickly improve your digestive health.
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