A new analysis looking at risk factors for cardiovascular disease related deaths has found that vitamin K2 deficiency is equivalent to smoking and high blood pressure.
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Tag Search - " Smoking "
Featured: Low vitamin K2 as bad for you as smoking

How cigarette smoking increases anxiety
Smoking has a strong association with poor mental health and anxiety. Although people may smoke to reduce anxiety, evidence suggests it is more likely that smoking makes things worse.
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Healthy eating may help smokers quit
Cigarette smokers who eat more fruits and vegetables are more likely to quit and stay off cigarettes suggests a new study.
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5-HTP a natural stop smoking aid?
The dietary supplement 5-HTP may be a useful stop smoking aid with evidence suggesting it reduces nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
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Stopping smoking rejuvenates your skin
Smoking accelerates signs of skin aging such as wrinkles, discoloration and dryness by about a decade more than your chorological age. A stop smoking program has found that quitters reduce their skin biological age by 13 years.
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How to quit smoking
Smoking is responsible for 1 in 5 deaths and with no level of exposure to cigarette smoke safe the best thing you can do for your health, and those around you, is to stop.
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