Environmental pollutants are widespread though our environment including in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. Minimising exposure and improving your bodys ability to detoxify is an important step towards reducing the effects of these chemicals and improving your health.
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Tag Search - " Toxins "

Organic diet reduces toxic chemical exposure
Further support for organic food comes from a new study showing that an organic diet quickly reduces exposure to toxic pesticides and herbicides.
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Toxic cosmetics linked to breast cancer
Personal care products such as cosmetics, lotions, and fragrances might increase risk of breast cancer, with frequent users of beauty and skin products at highest risk.
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Chemicals in your food from packaging
All food packaging including plastic, cardboard, metal, glass and ceramics can harbor potentially toxic chemicals that migrate into food.
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Environmental toxins destroy gut bacteria
Exposure to common environmental toxins has been linked to several diseases, and a new report suggests one way they may do this is by changing our gut bacteria.
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Toxic diet linked to low birth weight babies
By defining a toxic-diet score a research group have been able to uncover a potential link between diet during pregnancy, exposure of the foetus to toxins, and reduced birth weight in newborns.
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Weed killer, toxic food and your mitochondria
Environmental toxins, especially herbicides, can zap your energy by killing your mitochondria in the same way they kill weeds. Learn how, and what you can do about this little talked about but important environmental health issue.
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