Fermented foods are of increasing interest nutritionally because they are a source of bacteria which may confer health benefits. But are they healthy or is it just hype? A new review summarises the science.
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Tag Search - " Yoghurt "
Featured: Health benefits of fermented foods

Posted on Wed, 19 Sep 18
Over 90% of supermarket yogurts are high in sugar
Sugar content of most yoghurt products are worryingly high, according to a survey published this week in BMJ Open. Less than 9%, and only 2% of children’s products were considered low in free or added sugars.
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Posted on Fri, 15 May 15
Kefir improves digestive health
Kefir is not your average fermented food; unlike most yoghurt it is rich in probiotic bacteria and may improve regularity and digestive health.
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