Even after a strict gluten-free diet digestive symptoms can continue to be an important problem for people with celiac disease. A promising new study suggests probiotics might help.
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Tag Search - "Celiac Disease"

Gluten linked to psychosis
A recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine describes a case of adult-onset psychosis, which turned out to be due to celiac disease.
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Gluten-free diet cures psychosis
A gluten-free diet has been shown to cure severe mental illness in a young girl, raising the question of how many similar cases of gluten-psychosis remain undiagnosed.
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Common food additive linked to celiac disease
An enzyme widely used in commercial food processing may be linked to the development of celiac disease and should be disclosed on food labels, according to a new scientific review.
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Non-celiac gluten sensitivity: is it really gluten?
Although there is increasing awareness of so-called non-celiac gluten sensitivity, it is still a controversial term. Research suggests that gluten might not be the problem after all.
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Gluten free diet improves fibromyalgia
A series of case reports describes striking improvement in symptoms such as fatigue and pain in people suffering from fibromyalgia with a gluten-free diet, even though they did not have celiac disease.
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