Which oil is safest to cook with is a common question in nutrition. The typical answer, however, may have been based on a scientific myth.
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Tag Search - "Heart Disease"

Omega 3 beats cholesterol for predicting heart disease
Results from a new study found that people with higher blood levels of omega 3 had a 34% lower risk for death from any cause, and that blood omega 3 was a stronger predictor of future risk of cardiovascular disease than cholesterol.
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Citrus fruit flavonoid improves vascular health
A flavonoid found in citrus fruit and peel may help lower blood pressure, inflammation and oxidative stress, according to recent clinical research.
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Olive leaf lowers blood pressure
A clinical trial supports previous evidence that olive leaf extract may be an effective natural way to lower high blood pressure.
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Roasted or raw?
A new comparative study found that dry roasted, lightly salted nuts are just as likely to improve cardiovascular health as raw nuts.
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Personalized B vitamins for blood pressure
People with a common gene variant could benefit from personalized B vitamin therapy, with large reductions in blood pressure independent of anti-hypertensive medication.
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