Avoid aspartame. Cure chronic pain.
Posted on Mon, 9 May 11

For some people it may be possible to cure chronic pain, including fibromyalgia syndrome, by simply avoiding the artificial sweetener aspartame.
Two case reports describe complete resolution of chronic musculoskeletal pain with removal of aspartame from the diet.
In the first case a “50-year-old woman had been suffering from widespread pain and fatigue for more than 10 years leading to the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. During a vacation in a foreign country, she did not suffer from painful symptoms since she had forgotten to take her aspartame. All of the symptoms reappeared in the days following her return when she reintroduced aspartame into her daily diet.” Thus aspartame was removed from her diet resulting in a complete resolution of her condition.
In the second case it was discovered that a 43-year-old man with a 3-year history of unsuccessfully treated pain in his forearm, wrist, and hand and back had been using aspartame for the same amount of time. When he removed aspartame from his diet the pain disappeared completely and didn’t reoccur.
It seems, for some people at least, the removal of aspartame from the diet may completely cure otherwise disabling and severe chronic pain, including fibromyalgia syndrome.
Ciappuccini R, Ansemant T, Maillefert JF, Tavernier C, Ornetti P. Aspartame-induced fibromyalgia, an unusual but curable cause of chronic pain. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2010 Nov-Dec;28(6 Suppl 63):S131-3.
Tags: Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Aspartame, Artificial Sweeteners