Chocolate may relieve chronic fatigue syndrome
Posted on Mon, 18 Apr 11

Chocolate has a reputation for relieving fatigue dating back to the Aztec King Montezuma. Perhaps then it is not so surprising that the results of a small study suggest that chocolate may help chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers.
To see if chocolate could help, a group of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) sufferers were enrolled in a study where they received either dark chocolate rich in polypheonols (the chemicals in dark chocolate considered responsible for health benefits) or chocolate low in polyphenols (placebo) for 8 weeks.
After the eight weeks of dark chocolate (15 grams, three times a day) fatigue was significantly reduced, on the other hand fatigue increased on the low polyphenol chocolate. Dark chocolate eaters also naturally increased their level of physical activity and experienced reductions in anxiety and depression. Despite the chocolate adding 245 extra calories to their daily diet there was no increase in body weight.
The study investigators speculate that chocolate may combat fatigue by boosting low brain serotonin and quenching high levels of oxidative stress often found in CFS sufferers.
Sathyapalan T, Beckett S, Rigby AS, Mellor DD, Atkin SL. High cocoa polyphenols rich chocolate may reduce the burden of the symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome. Nutr J. 2010 Nov 22;9:55.
Tags: Chocolate, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fatigue