Dr Dean Ornish on reversing illness and increasing longevity with diet and lifestyle change (video)
Posted on Mon, 30 Jan 12

Dr Dean Ornish has been studying how simple lifestyle changes have the power to not just prevent but swiftly reverse chronic illness.
His research, while initially focused on heart disease, has now shown remarkable effects in illness such as depression and early-stage prostate cancer. The same lifestyle changes used to reverse heart disease (diet, nutritional supplements, stress reduction, exercise, and group support) can be used to reverse other chronic illnesses.
Most recently Dr Ornish, along with Nobel laureate Elizabeth Blackburn PhD, demonstrated that healthy dietary and lifestyle changes also increase telomerase, a biological marker of longevity. This accomplishment is beyond the reach of the most advanced pharmaceuticals.
Simple lifestyle changes may be as or more powerful than drugs in curing, not just preventing, disease.
Watch a free presentation from Dr Ornish at Google Zeitgeist here:
Tags: Dean Ornish, Lifestyle Medicine, Anti-aging, Chronic Disease Prevention, Lifestyle Change