Grounding quickly improves mood
Posted on Mon, 14 Sep 15

Earthing (grounding) involves bringing your body in contact with the earth, and has important health benefits. A recent study found grounding improved mood, fast.
In the modern world people rarely come in contact with the earths natural surface as we wear rubber soled shoes, live and work in buildings and sleep elevated from the ground.
“The earthing hypothesis states that the earth’s subtle negative electric surface charge equalizes the electric potential of the body with that of the Earth,” comments Getan Chevalier, leading expert on the science of grounding, and author of a new study that tested the effects of grounding on mood.
In the study 40 adults were either grounded or sham-grounded (no grounding) for 1 hour while relaxing in a comfortable recliner chair. For the group that was grounded, the chair was equipped with a conductive pillow, mat, and patches connecting them to the ground.
Using a mood assessment it was found that the group that were grounded had a statistically significantly improvement in pleasant and positive moods compared to those who were not grounded.
If these effects are confirmed in further studies, commented Chevalier, “then it is possible that grounding may be a simple way to improve mood states and help mitigate common detrimental effects of negative moods on health and psychological state, such as anxiety, stress, and depression.”
Chevalier G. The effect of grounding the human body on mood. Psychol Rep. 2015 Apr;116(2):534-43
Tags: Earthing, Grounding, Mood