How massage helps muscle recovery
Posted on Mon, 6 Feb 12

A new study has shown that massage reduces inflammation and increases mitochondrial biogenesis in muscle tissue after exercise. The study also dispelled the myth that massage may work by clearing lactic acid.
The study involved having 11 young men ride to exhaustion on stationary bicycles and then undergo massage followed by biopsies of the muscle tissue to study any changes.
Massage therapy resulted in significant changes in genes within the muscle that are involved inflammation and the production of mitochondria, the energy producing components of the cell. There were no changes in lactic acid levels despite popular belief this may have been how massage works.
"Before, it was difficult to sort out the psychological effects of massage," commented researcher Simon Melov. "It's a pleasant feeling and relaxing. But now we know there is some cellular basis for the perceived beneficial effect.”
Crane JD, Ogborn DI, Cupido C, Melov S, Hubbard A, Bourgeois JM, Tarnopolsky MA. Massage therapy attenuates inflammatory signaling after exercise-induced muscle damage. Sci Transl Med. 2012 Feb 1;4(119):119ra13.
Tags: Massage