TV and sleep problems in kids
Posted on Mon, 25 Jul 11

Limiting kids TV time to earlier in the day and cutting out violent viewing might help improve sleep problems a new study has found.
The increasing use of media such as television and video games has been associated with sleep problems in children but little is known how certain content, like violent programs, specifically influence sleep problems. To find an answer a group of children had their media use analysed.
Children with a bedroom television consumed more media and were more likely to have a sleep problem” found the study. It was also found that each additional hour of media use (television, computers, or video games) after 7 p.m. was associated with more sleep issues (such as repeated night wakings, nightmares and daytime tiredness). Daytime use was also associated with sleep problems but only with violent content.
The study investigators commented that parents should focus on reducing violent content and evening media use, which may be both more acceptable and feasible for families living in the digital age than focusing on a global reduction or elimination of media use.
Garrison M, et al. Media Use and Child Sleep: The Impact of Content, Timing, and Environment. Pediatrics. Published online June 27, 2011
Tags: Television, Computers, Media, Violent TV, Insomnia