Vitamin D cuts colds and flu in half
Posted on Sun, 23 Sep 12

A study in kids has shown that even a low dose of vitamin D has a strong protective effect against wintertime colds and flu.
The new study included 247 children who were all subsequently found to have vitamin D deficiency. The kids then either received 300 IU of vitamin D (in fortified milk), or milk without vitamin D for several weeks through January to March.
Vitamin D cut the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection by 48% and raised their blood vitamin D levels although they were still in the deficient range.
To maintain vitamin D levels though winter it is recommended children take 1000 IU and adults at least 2000 IU daily. Find out more here.
Camargo CA, et al. Randomized Trial of Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk of Acute Respiratory Infection in Mongolia. Pediatrics Vol. 130 No. 3 September 1, 2012; pp. e561 -e567.
Tags: Vitamin D, Colds And Flu, Common Cold, Influenza