A study testing the combined effects of magnesium orotate and probiotics has found that they can relieve depression in people not responding to drug treatment.
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Tag Search - " Probiotics "

Health benefits of fermented foods
Fermented foods are of increasing interest nutritionally because they are a source of bacteria which may confer health benefits. But are they healthy or is it just hype? A new review summarises the science.
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Prebiotics and probiotics for irritable bowel syndrome
An updated review of clinical studies found evidence for probiotics for symptom relief, but no clear superiority of any particular product. Current evidence does not strongly support the use of prebiotics.
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Do probiotics cause brain fog?
A widely reported study has been said to prove that probiotics are linked to adverse effects such as digestive problems and brain fog, but the research had important flaws.
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Probiotic enhances weight loss, satiety, eating behaviour, and mood
The addition of a probiotic to a personalised, supervised weight loss diet not only enhanced weight loss, but improved satiety, decreased food cravings, and enhanced mood.
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Probiotics reduce depression, suggest clinical studies
There is increasing interest in the use of probiotics for mental health. For the first time a review of relevant clinical studies has suggested probiotics help to reduce symptoms of depression.
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