Magnesium orotate and probiotics improve mood
Posted on Sun, 13 Aug 17

A study testing the combined effects of magnesium orotate and probiotics has found that they can relieve depression in people not responding to drug treatment.
The authors of a new study hypothesised that people with depression who do not respond to conventional antidepressant drugs may have a biological mechanism for their depressive symptoms not addressed by medication; intestinal dysbiosis mediated systemic inflammation.
Although the idea that alterations in gut bacteria (dysbiosis) and resultant low-grade inflammation could contribute to depressive symptoms is not a new one [1], relatively few studies have explored whether interventions that target the “gut-brain axis” have any benefit.
In a new publication a novel combination of magnesium orotate and probiotics was tested. In the study, people with treatment-resistant depression received a combination of probiotics (L acidophilus, B bifidum and S thermophiles, 20 billion CFU) and magnesium orotate (1600mg yielding 102 mg of magnesium) over 8-weeks [2].
Magnesium orotate was chosen as over other types of magnesium because it provides orotic acid, which may have unique anti-depressant activity via influence on factors such as neuronal signaling, mitochondrial function and fatty acid synthesis.
Although a small pilot study, it was found that 8 of the 12 participants responded well with significant reductions in depressive symptom assessment scores. There was also a significant decrease in symptom distress score (indicating reduced anxiety, depression, somatic, work and social role problems) and subjective increase in well-being and improved energy levels in those who responded well.
This fascinating study suggests that a novel combination of magnesium orotate with probiotics may help relieve depression in treatment-resistance individuals. A larger scale randomized controlled trial is planned.
- Logan AC, Katzman M. Major depressive disorder: probiotics may be an adjuvant therapy. Med Hypotheses. 2005;64(3):533-8.
- Bambling M, Edwards SC, Hall S, Vitetta L. A combination of probiotics and magnesium orotate attenuate depression in a small SSRI resistant cohort: an intestinal anti-inflammatory response is suggested. Inflammopharmacology. 2017 Apr;25(2):271-274.
Tags: Magnesium, Depression, Probiotics