Eat yourself sexier in 6 weeks
Posted on Sun, 15 Apr 12

Fruits and vegetables are rich in pigments that influence our skin color and can enhance physical health and attractiveness. A new study has found that as little as 6 weeks is enough to change your appearance.
Carotenoids are yellow, orange and red pigments in plant foods that are know to influence skin color and perceived attractiveness. From an evolutionary perspective it has been hypothesised that skin carotenoids may be a means of assessing health and fitness in a mate and therefore influencing sexual selection.
A recent investigation into the effects of fruits and vegetables on skin color and appearance found that perceptible changes (measured by ratings of health and attractiveness) occurred within just six weeks (1).
The study investigators commented, “These results suggest that perceptibly healthier and more attractive skin-coloration is achievable through relatively modest increases in fruit and vegetable consumption (of fewer than four portions per day).”
It is hoped that this research, like anti-smoking campaigns that highlighted the effects of smoking on attractiveness, could motivate people to eat healthier by appealing to their desire to look and feel better (2).
1. Whitehead RD, Re D, Xiao D, Ozakinci G, Perrett DI. You are what you eat: within-subject increases in fruit and vegetable consumption confer beneficial skin-color changes. PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e32988.
2.Whitehead RD, Ozakinci G, Stephen ID, Perrett DI. Appealing to vanity: could potential appearance improvement motivate fruit and vegetable consumption? Am J Public Health. 2012 Feb;102(2):207-11.
Tags: Skin, Attractiveness, Fruits, Vegetables, Healthy Eating