Eating more pulses vs. eating less
Posted on Fri, 26 Oct 12

A study comparing advice to eat more pulses (yellow peas, chickpeas, navy beans and lentils) to calorie restriction found eating more pulses was more effective for improving peoples overall health.
The study compared frequent consumption (five cups/week over 8 weeks) of pulses (yellow peas, chickpeas, navy beans and lentils), compared with counseling to reduce energy intake by 500 kcal per day, on risk factors of the metabolic syndrome (MetSyn) in two groups of overweight or obese adults over 8 weeks.
The effects of both eating pulses or energy restriction were comparable for reducing waist circumference, systolic blood pressure and measures of blood sugar control however the effect of pulses were better for increasing good HDL cholesterol (HDL decreased on the energy restricted diet). The pulse diet also significanty reduced insulin levels compared to the low calorie diet.
“Frequent consumption of pulses in an ad libitum diet reduced risk factors of the MetSyn and these effects were equivalent, and in some instances stronger, than counseling for dietary energy reduction” concluded the study.
Mollard RC, Luhovyy BL, Panahi S, Nunez M, Hanley A, Anderson GH. Regular consumption of pulses for 8 weeks reduces metabolic syndrome risk factors in overweight and obese adults. Br J Nutr. 2012 Aug;108 Suppl 1:S111-22.
Tags: Healthy Diet, Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin, Heart Disease