Sahaja yoga meditation relieves work stress
Posted on Mon, 5 Sep 11

The workplace is a major source of chronic stress for many people and ways to reduce stress and improve wellbeing are needed. Sahaja Yoga, a type of meditative practice that emphasises mental-silence, may reduce work related stress and improve mood.
In one of the largest studies of meditative practice to date 178 highly stressed workers participated in a study where they received Sahaja Yoga training (two 1 hour lessons for 8 weeks combined with two 10-20 minutes home sessions daily), relaxation meditation or no training.
Sahaja Yoga meditation was found to be “a safe and effective strategy for dealing with work stress and depressive feelings.” There were significantly greater benefits than relaxation meditation suggesting that a “thought reduction” or “mental silence” style of meditation practice is more likely to be associated with beneficial effects.
*click here for a free meditation guide
Manocha R, Black D, Sarris J, Stough C. A randomized, controlled trial of meditation for work stress, anxiety and depressed mood in full-time workers. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011;2011:960583.
Tags: Sahaja Yoga, Yoga, Meditation, Relaxation