Slow aging by reducing your dietary AGE
Posted on Thu, 16 Jul 09

Hidden toxic substances in our diet may lead to accelerated aging. Substances known as advanced glycation end products (AGE) are present at high concentrations in processed foods, particularly foods that are exposed to unusually high heat such as in industrial ovens or deep frying [1]. Research suggests that the level of AGE in our food may accelerate physiological aging and lead to disease development.
When AGE is digested and absorbed it binds to a cellular receptor called RAGE (analogous to a key [AGE] unlocking a door [RAGE]). When RAGE is triggered it initiates disease processes including inflammation, oxidative stress and cellular dysfunction which may eventually lead to the manifestation of physical disease [2].
Allergy and autoimmune diseases, brain degeneration, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and digestive disorders are just some of the conditions thought to be linked to dietary AGE [3].
Avoiding fast, processed and fried foods and returning to traditional methods of cooking such as boiling and stewing can reduce the AGE content of your diet by up to 50% [1]. Also, cooking with plenty of herbs and spices which are naturally high in antioxidants may help reduce the AGE of your food [4]. There is evidence to suggest that reducing the AGE of your diet may improve your health and reduce your risk of life threatening disease [5].
1. Goldberg T et al. Advanced Glycoxidation End Products in Commonly Consumed Foods. J Am Diet Assoc. 2004;104:1287-1291.
2. Uribarri J et al. Diet-derived advanced glycation end products are major contributors to the body's AGE pool and induce inflammation in healthy subjects.Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005 Jun;1043:461-6.
3. Bengmark S. Advanced Glycation and Lipoxidation End Products–Amplifiers of Inflammation: The Role of Food. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Vol. 31, No. 5, 430-440 (2007).
4. Wu CH, Yen GC. Inhibitory effect of naturally occurring flavonoids on the formation of advanced glycation endproducts. J Agric Food Chem. 2005 Apr 20;53(8):3167-73.
5. Yamagishi S, Ueda S, Okuda S. Food-derived advanced glycation end products (AGEs): a novel therapeutic target for various disorders. Curr Pharm Des. 2007;13(27):2832-6
Tags: Aging, Diet, Nutrition, AGE, Chronic Disease