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Omega 6 fatty acids increase risk of death
Posted on Sat, 4 Dec 10

Omega 6 fatty acids increase risk of death

Current guidelines suggest that increasing your intake of omega 6 fatty acids prevents heart disease; however a new analysis of the evidence has come to a very different conclusion: advice to specifically increasing omega 6 fatty acid intakes is unlikely to provide the intended benefits, and may actually increase the risks of heart disease and death.

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Not beer belly. Bread belly.
Posted on Mon, 22 Nov 10

Not beer belly. Bread belly.

Fat around the middle is associated with serious health risks and refined grain foods may be the reason you have a wide waist. On the flip side, switching to whole grains may help trim down your tummy.

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Traditional food best for health and longevity
Posted on Sun, 17 Oct 10

Traditional food best for health and longevity

An analysis of studies involving over 2 million people clearly show that following a few traditional eating habits can reduce your risk of life threatening illness and improve your quality of life.

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Balance your hormones with breakfast
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 10

Balance your hormones with breakfast

Irregular painful menstrual periods may be the result of irregular eating habits. A new study has found that young women who skip breakfast are more likely to experience reproductive problems.

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Coffee cuts colorectal cancer risk
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 10

Coffee cuts colorectal cancer risk

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. Along with their daily cup of coffee regular coffee drinkers may also enjoy a modest reduction in colorectal cancer risk.

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Eat with your eyes, and dont trust your gut feelings
Posted on Mon, 23 Aug 10

Eat with your eyes, and dont trust your gut feelings

Are your eyes bigger than your stomach? Apparently not. Relying on feeling full, as opposed to visual cues such as an empty plate, could cause you to overeat considerably.

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