Results from a new study found that people with higher blood levels of omega 3 had a 34% lower risk for death from any cause, and that blood omega 3 was a stronger predictor of future risk of cardiovascular disease than cholesterol.
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Blog Search - "Healthy aging & longevity "

Low vitamin K2 as bad for you as smoking
A new analysis looking at risk factors for cardiovascular disease related deaths has found that vitamin K2 deficiency is equivalent to smoking and high blood pressure.
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Diet primes metabolism for longevity
By mapping dietary & metabolic markers a research group have revealed dietary influences that may explain good health in some of the worlds longest lived people.
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Low AGE diet improves health
A diet low in advanced glycation end products (AGEs) could help improve your blood sugar and prevent type 2 diabetes, according to a new study.
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Anti-inflammatory diet slows cellular aging
By determining the inflammatory potential of peoples diets a research group have found a correlation between foods that reduce inflammation and slower cellular aging.
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Green tea improves cognition in elderly
People who drink green tea regularly tend to have a reduced risk of cognitive decline with age, but until now no studies have tested green teas ability to boost brain health in older age.
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