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CoQ10 vs. Ubiquinol: which is better?
Posted on Thu, 28 Aug 14

CoQ10 vs. Ubiquinol: which is better?

It is suggested that the newer dietary supplement ubiquinol is superior to CoQ10 (ubiquinone) however a review of marketing claims reveals this may be more marketing hype than science.

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Non-celiac gluten sensitivity: is it really gluten?
Posted on Tue, 26 Aug 14

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity: is it really gluten?

Although there is increasing awareness of so-called non-celiac gluten sensitivity, it is still a controversial term. Research suggests that gluten might not be the problem after all.

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Probiotic shows promise for obesity and diabetes
Posted on Fri, 15 Aug 14

Probiotic shows promise for obesity and diabetes

Probiotics might be able to help improve your blood sugar and body weight, according to a new study showing that the probiotic yeast Saccharomyces boulardii reversed diabetes and obesity by improving gastrointestinal health and reducing inflammation.

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Naturopathic medicine cuts heart risk and health costs
Posted on Wed, 13 Aug 14

Naturopathic medicine cuts heart risk and health costs

Naturopathic medical care for people with poor cardiovascular health has been shown to result in important reductions in heart disease risk and reduced costs to society and employers.

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Toxic diet linked to low birth weight babies
Posted on Mon, 11 Aug 14

Toxic diet linked to low birth weight babies

By defining a toxic-diet score a research group have been able to uncover a potential link between diet during pregnancy, exposure of the foetus to toxins, and reduced birth weight in newborns.

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Neurotoxic potato chips
Posted on Wed, 30 Jul 14

Neurotoxic potato chips

A chemical produced in high heat cooked foods called acrylamide is a neurotoxin with serious health concerns. Because fried potato chips are the richest source of acrylamide, you probably don't want fries with that.

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