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7-signs of magnesium deficiency
Posted on Sun, 27 Jul 14

7-signs of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium is a vitally important mineral but most people are not getting enough in their diet. Several signs may indicate you are deficient, and increasing your intake can help improve these symptoms.

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Alcohol has no heart health benefits
Posted on Fri, 25 Jul 14

Alcohol has no heart health benefits

The idea that alcohol is good for your heart is a popular one with drinkers. Scientifically, however, the benefits have not always been clear and a remarkable new gene interaction study suggests there is no benefit at all.

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Vitamin G stops people dying
Posted on Tue, 15 Jul 14

Vitamin G stops people dying

Living in close proximity to natural environments has potent health benefits, and a new study suggests it can increase survival in people at high-risk for cardiovascular disease.

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How much omega-3 do you need?
Posted on Thu, 10 Jul 14

How much omega-3 do you need?

Omega-3 fatty acids are known to be vital for good health, reduce the risk of several chronic diseases and can even treat illness, but how much do you need each day?

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Tea heats up your brain connectivity
Posted on Tue, 8 Jul 14

Tea heats up your brain connectivity

Anyone who has enjoyed a cup of tea could tell you it is often invigorating, but recent research has discovered that this feeling might be because of better brain connectivity and enhanced cognitive function.

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Pesticide detox with organic food
Posted on Fri, 4 Jul 14

Pesticide detox with organic food

Organophosphate pesticides are ever-present in our environment, especially in our food, and linked to behavioural problems in children and several important chronic diseases in adults. New research has shown that dietary avoidance can rapidly reduced exposure and allow your body to detoxify itself, and fast.

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