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Grounding on the earth is good for you
Posted on Mon, 12 Dec 11

Grounding on the earth is good for you

If you have walked barefoot on the warm sand of a tropical beach you might recall how good it felt. Our ancestors spent most of their time barefoot, or in close contact with the earth, but modern life has removed us from the earths natural electrical field perhaps with adverse health consequences.

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Do online social networks cause loneliness?
Posted on Mon, 5 Dec 11

Do online social networks cause loneliness?

Regular social interaction and support is an incredibly important determinant of your health but the rise of online social networks may be paradoxically increasing social isolation and loneliness.

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Calcium: aids weight loss, but confuses scientists
Posted on Mon, 28 Nov 11

Calcium: aids weight loss, but confuses scientists

An important study has found that increasing calcium intake can have a significant positive effect on weight loss and body fat reduction. However, like many studies of nutrients the investigators studied calcium as if it were a drug (its not) and inappropriately dismissed the importance of these findings.

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Spirituality stronger than medication?
Posted on Mon, 21 Nov 11

Spirituality stronger than medication?

Ironically, many people do not believe that a sense of spiritual or religious practice has anything to do with your health. But a new review of the evidence suggests that not only does spirituality play a role, the effects may be comparable to a healthy diet or as strong as medication.

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Apples: the original super food
Posted on Mon, 14 Nov 11

Apples: the original super food

Increasingly, foods are being marketed based on dubious health claims. However it is sometimes the most inexpensive, natural and unassuming foods that have the strongest health benefits, take apples for example.

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Bisphenol A increases emotional problems in 3 year old girls
Posted on Mon, 7 Nov 11

Bisphenol A increases emotional problems in 3 year old girls

Everyone in the industrialised world is exposed to bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used in many common consumer products including food and beverage containers. Prenatal exposure to BPA may increase behavioural and emotional problems in young girls.

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