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Rhodiola rapidly relieves stress
Posted on Mon, 30 Jan 12

Rhodiola rapidly relieves stress

Stressed out and need a natural pick me up? A recent study found that the herbal medicine Rhodiola rosea may help relieve stress symptoms within as little as three days.

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Dr Dean Ornish on reversing illness and increasing longevity with diet and lifestyle change (video)
Posted on Mon, 30 Jan 12

Dr Dean Ornish on reversing illness and increasing longevity with diet and lifestyle change (video)

Dr Dean Ornish has been studying how simple lifestyle changes have the power to not just prevent but swiftly reverse chronic illness.

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Electric lighting, circadian disruption and disease: shedding light on a dark issue
Posted on Mon, 23 Jan 12

Electric lighting, circadian disruption and disease: shedding light on a dark issue

Increasing use of electric lighting has resulted in disruption of our circadian rhythm and, through subsequent changes in our metabolism may contribute to diseases as diverse as obesity and breast cancer. Ironically, this idea has largely remained in the dark.

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Probiotics for the common cold
Posted on Mon, 23 Jan 12

Probiotics for the common cold

Looking for a way to stave off colds this winter? An analysis of 10 studies involving 3451 participants has found that probiotics may be a good way to reduce your risk of upper respiratory tract infections.

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Romantic stress relief with 5-HTP
Posted on Mon, 16 Jan 12

Romantic stress relief with 5-HTP

Romantic stress and unreciprocated love is one of the most overwhelming stress driven emotional states and is linked to depression, anxiety, and obsession. A small clinical trial suggests that the natural supplement L-5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) may help relieve romantic stress.

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Type 3 diabetes: Do you have diabetes on the brain?
Posted on Sun, 15 Jan 12

Type 3 diabetes: Do you have diabetes on the brain?

Emerging evidence suggests that depression, cognitive decline with age and Alzheimers disease may actually be symptoms of a new kind of diabetes that affects the brain; type 3 diabetes.

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