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Breaking up sitting lowers blood glucose by 30%
Posted on Mon, 23 Apr 12

Breaking up sitting lowers blood glucose by 30%

Are you sitting at your desk reading this? Research has shown that sitting for long periods has a detrimental effect on your blood glucose control and increases your risk of diabetes and heart disease. Short activity breaks have a bigger benefit than you thought.

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Vitamin D treatment relieves depression in adolescents
Posted on Sun, 22 Apr 12

Vitamin D treatment relieves depression in adolescents

Treatment with vitamin D has been shown to relieve symptoms of depression in a group of Swedish adolescents, a discovery that suggests vitamin D deficiency could be an easily treated cause of depression

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Food and sunlight are not good sources of vitamin D
Posted on Mon, 16 Apr 12

Food and sunlight are not good sources of vitamin D

There is a lot of confusion and controversy around Vitamin D deficiency, but one thing that is quite clear is that vitamin D rich foods and sunlight are not enough to ensure you are getting sufficient vitamin D.

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Eat yourself sexier in 6 weeks
Posted on Sun, 15 Apr 12

Eat yourself sexier in 6 weeks

Fruits and vegetables are rich in pigments that influence our skin color and can enhance physical health and attractiveness. A new study has found that as little as 6 weeks is enough to change your appearance.

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3 health reasons to enjoy a coffee
Posted on Sun, 8 Apr 12

3 health reasons to enjoy a coffee

Coffee often falls into the category of guilty pleasures because people think that something so hedonistic must also be unhealthy, however emerging evidence has uncovered surprising health benefits.

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Natural hay fever relief with bromelain
Posted on Sun, 8 Apr 12

Natural hay fever relief with bromelain

Bromelain, an enzyme from pineapple fruit, has been shown to relieve hay fever or sinusitis in a number of human clinical studies by working as a natural antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and decongestant.

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