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Feel good factor from fruit and vegetables
Posted on Wed, 24 Aug 16

Feel good factor from fruit and vegetables

Eating more fruits and vegetables could provide a quick and significant improvement in happiness, life satisfaction, and well-being. Happiness gains from healthy eating can occur quickly and many years before enhanced physical health, said researchers.

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Gluten linked to psychosis
Posted on Wed, 24 Aug 16

Gluten linked to psychosis

A recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine describes a case of adult-onset psychosis, which turned out to be due to celiac disease.

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Prebiotics reduce anxiety
Posted on Wed, 24 Aug 16

Prebiotics reduce anxiety

A study adds to evidence that prebiotic fibre could could be useful for people with digestive complaints, showing that it significantly improves gut bacteria and reduces symptoms of anxiety.

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Modern diets, dysbiosis and inflammatory disease
Posted on Wed, 24 Aug 16

Modern diets, dysbiosis and inflammatory disease

FREE VIDEO - this talk takes us into recent discoveries that are translating into new, personalised clinical approaches that will change the way you think about the microbiota.

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Vitamin D works for IBS relief
Posted on Mon, 8 Aug 16

Vitamin D works for IBS relief

Vitamin D supplements could be a very effective way to relieve digestive symptoms according to the first study in people with irritable bowel syndrome.

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Fish oil EPA vs. DHA myth debunked
Posted on Mon, 8 Aug 16

Fish oil EPA vs. DHA myth debunked

Purified EPA dietary supplements are often sold as being more effective for reducing inflammation than regular omega-3. Turns out this is wrong.

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