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Mimicking an ancient lifestyle improves health
Posted on Wed, 16 Nov 16

Mimicking an ancient lifestyle improves health

It has been proposed that more traditional lifestyles are associated with better health, but few studies have examined the effects of reverting to a more ancient lifestyle. A new study put exactly that to the test.

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Energy drinks, sleep, stress, and depression
Posted on Wed, 16 Nov 16

Energy drinks, sleep, stress, and depression

Energy drink consumption is linked to sleep problems, stress, depression, and suicidality, according to a new study that adds to growing evidence of adverse effects on mental health in adolescents

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High-heat cooking: overlooked danger
Posted on Wed, 16 Nov 16

High-heat cooking: overlooked danger

The burden of heart disease in different populations is not completely explained by current ideas. But there may be a cultural explanation: cooking at high temperatures.

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Bacteria linked to migraine headaches
Posted on Wed, 26 Oct 16

Bacteria linked to migraine headaches

Bacteria present in the mouth of migraine sufferers may explain why they have headaches and why certain foods can trigger attacks.

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Tips for taking turmeric
Posted on Wed, 26 Oct 16

Tips for taking turmeric

Turmeric is trendy, and added to everything from foods to dietary supplements, but there is also a lot of confusion about how best to use the spice for health benefits. Here are 3 essential tips.

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Fast food linked to toxin exposure
Posted on Wed, 26 Oct 16

Fast food linked to toxin exposure

Recently eating fast food is linked to higher body levels of environmental toxins. It is suspected it may be due to chemicals from PVC tubing, vinyl gloves, and food packaging leaching toxins into food. Yum.

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