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Sunlight and vitamin D: have your cake and eat it too
Posted on Mon, 30 Jan 17

Sunlight and vitamin D: have your cake and eat it too

The development of lighter skin to improve vitamin D synthesis in northern latitudes was thought to come at a cost: increased risk of sun damage. But a new study suggests that protective mechanisms evolved as well.

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Diet for depression: study shows strong benefits
Posted on Mon, 30 Jan 17

Diet for depression: study shows strong benefits

Personalised dietary advice and nutrition counselling could send 30% of people with major depression into remission within 12-weeks, according to a groundbreaking new study.

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Daily ginger prevents chronic disease
Posted on Wed, 18 Jan 17

Daily ginger prevents chronic disease

Despite its widespread use and popularity, the health effects of daily ginger consumption have not been well studied. A new study, however, has found that dietary ginger may reduce risk of chronic disease.

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High fibre diet stops gut bacteria eating you
Posted on Wed, 18 Jan 17

High fibre diet stops gut bacteria eating you

A remarkable new study has demonstrated that starving gut bacteria of dietary fibre, their preferred food source, results in them turning against you and digesting your gut.

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Walnuts help improve mood
Posted on Wed, 18 Jan 17

Walnuts help improve mood

A daily handful of walnuts may help improve mood within 6-weeks, a new clinical study has found.

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12 minutes of yoga reverses bone loss
Posted on Wed, 18 Jan 17

12 minutes of yoga reverses bone loss

Yoga could be a low-cost, accessible and safe alternative to medication for osteoporosis, with a 10-year study demonstrating that just 12-minutes daily can reverse bone loss.

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