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Abundance, not deprivation
Posted on Sun, 6 Mar 11

Abundance, not deprivation

Imagine dietary advice that required you to eat more to lose weight. Abundance and plenty instead of starvation and deprivation. Well you can, and it is remarkably effective.

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Are soy foods safe?
Posted on Wed, 2 Mar 11

Are soy foods safe?

Does soy affect your thyroid, raise cancer risk, influence your hormone levels and are fermented soy foods really a healthier option? Find the answers here.

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The benefits of meditation
Posted on Sun, 27 Feb 11

The benefits of meditation

How would you feel being buried alive for a day? Slightly stressed? A yogi once sat buried underground cross-legged for 62 hours, he was being monitored medically and showed no signs of distress. You too can use meditation to reduce stress and improve your wellbeing.

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You need a lot more vitamin D than you think
Posted on Thu, 24 Feb 11

You need a lot more vitamin D than you think

A new report has found that a minimum of 4,000 IU of vitamin D is required daily to maintain optimal blood levels, a stark contrast to the heavily criticised 600 IU recently stated by the Institute of Medicine.

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Pistachios for sexual performance
Posted on Sun, 20 Feb 11

Pistachios for sexual performance

A handful of nuts each day have been shown to improve chronic erectile dysfunction in just three weeks, pistachio nuts that is.

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Weight loss: more harm than good
Posted on Tue, 1 Feb 11

Weight loss: more harm than good

The conventional view is that losing weight is desirable, healthy and life saving. However, not only are weight loss approaches ineffective, they may be doing more harm than good.

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