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Herbal and nutritional supplements for anxiety
Posted on Mon, 15 Nov 10

Herbal and nutritional supplements for anxiety

Anxiety disorders affect up to one in four people over the course of their lifetime. To avoid the cost and side effects of conventional medication people are increasingly turning to herbal and nutritional medicines to calm their anxiety. But what actually works?

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Heavy smoking doubles Alzheimers disease risk
Posted on Wed, 3 Nov 10

Heavy smoking doubles Alzheimers disease risk

As if cancer, heart attack or stroke were not reason enough to stop smoking a new study has found that smoking doubles the risk of Alzheimers disease.

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Sleep well and stay slim?
Posted on Wed, 3 Nov 10

Sleep well and stay slim?

A good nights sleep may improve your efforts to lose weight. An experimental study found that people who were sleep deprived reduced their weight loss by over 50%.

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Joyful laughter averts a broken heart
Posted on Fri, 22 Oct 10

Joyful laughter averts a broken heart

It is well known that negative emotions such as depression, anxiety and anger increase heart disease risk but little is known about the effect of positive emotional states. According to a new report joyful laughter is good for your heart.

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Protect your grey matter when it matters most
Posted on Fri, 22 Oct 10

Protect your grey matter when it matters most

Increase the size of your grey matter and cut your risk of cognitive decline in half by taking a walk. A study published in the journal Neurology found that walking regularly now predicts whether or not your brain decreases in size and function later in life.

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Traditional food best for health and longevity
Posted on Sun, 17 Oct 10

Traditional food best for health and longevity

An analysis of studies involving over 2 million people clearly show that following a few traditional eating habits can reduce your risk of life threatening illness and improve your quality of life.

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