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Saved by a tipple, killed by a binge
Posted on Mon, 13 Dec 10

Saved by a tipple, killed by a binge

It is much safer to space your alcohol throughout the week than to down it all in one day suggests a study contrasting the very different drinking behaviours of the French and Irish.

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Omega 6 fatty acids increase risk of death
Posted on Sat, 4 Dec 10

Omega 6 fatty acids increase risk of death

Current guidelines suggest that increasing your intake of omega 6 fatty acids prevents heart disease; however a new analysis of the evidence has come to a very different conclusion: advice to specifically increasing omega 6 fatty acid intakes is unlikely to provide the intended benefits, and may actually increase the risks of heart disease and death.

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Time to be happy
Posted on Mon, 22 Nov 10

Time to be happy

Most people associate money with happiness however thinking about money frequently is likely to make you less happy by causing you to work more and spend less time with loved ones. To increase the richness of your life experience it is time, not money that should be your focus.

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Not beer belly. Bread belly.
Posted on Mon, 22 Nov 10

Not beer belly. Bread belly.

Fat around the middle is associated with serious health risks and refined grain foods may be the reason you have a wide waist. On the flip side, switching to whole grains may help trim down your tummy.

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How much second hand smoke is safe?
Posted on Mon, 22 Nov 10

How much second hand smoke is safe?

Even at the lowest detectable levels of exposure there are significant changes in gene expression within the cells lining of your airways. Such genetic changes are thought to precede reparatory disease including lung cancer; no level of tobacco smoke exposure is safe.

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Exposure to light at night linked to weight gain
Posted on Mon, 15 Nov 10

Exposure to light at night linked to weight gain

Computer use and television viewing have been associated with obesity and although the assumption has been that physical inactivity is to blame it may be that exposure to light at night is disrupting your body clock and causing weight gain.

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