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An unhealthy lifestyle can give you a headache, literally.
Posted on Sun, 29 Aug 10

An unhealthy lifestyle can give you a headache, literally.

Chronic headaches are a real pain and although popping pills might help lasting relief could depend on making healthy lifestyle choices. Smoking, lack of exercise and being overweight are associated with migraine and tension headaches in adults and a new report has found that this is true for adolescents as well.

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Caffeine and your mood: friend or foe?
Posted on Tue, 24 Aug 10

Caffeine and your mood: friend or foe?

Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world yet its effects on mood and anxiety are still unclear. Some people claim caffeine improves their mood while others find the opposite. Both are right.

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Eat with your eyes, and dont trust your gut feelings
Posted on Mon, 23 Aug 10

Eat with your eyes, and dont trust your gut feelings

Are your eyes bigger than your stomach? Apparently not. Relying on feeling full, as opposed to visual cues such as an empty plate, could cause you to overeat considerably.

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Is agave syrup really a health food?
Posted on Thu, 12 Aug 10

Is agave syrup really a health food?

An increasingly popular ingredient in health foods, agave syrup is little more than refined sugar in disguise. Products containing agave syrup are marketed as sugar free, healthy alternatives to sugar sweetened foods but this is not exactly true.

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Eat food, not nutrients
Posted on Wed, 11 Aug 10

Eat food, not nutrients

Popular nutritional recommendations are outdated, misleading and missing the bigger picture suggest Dariush Mozaffarian and David Ludwig from Harvard University. The standard advice to avoid saturated fat, eat plenty of fibre, and avoid added salt and sugar are impractical, have been corrupted for commercial gain and may not be the best recommendations for your health.

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If you have a big waistline is your brain smaller?
Posted on Wed, 4 Aug 10

If you have a big waistline is your brain smaller?

It is now normal to be overweight with most people in the western world being either overweight or obese. A serious consequence of an expanding waistline is a shrinking brain.

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