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Stop your brain shrinking with B vitamins
Posted on Sun, 3 Oct 10

Stop your brain shrinking with B vitamins

Daily B vitamins supplements have been found to reduce age related brain shrinkage and may be a simple, cheap and safe way to prevent cognitive decline and Alzheimers disease.

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Reduce the size of your fat genes, and jeans
Posted on Sun, 3 Oct 10

Reduce the size of your fat genes, and jeans

Have you been blaming your waist line on your genes? While genetics may play a role in the development of obesity even those with the strongest genetic tendency can dramatically reduce their risk.

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Forget sunshine, you need a vitamin D supplement
Posted on Sun, 3 Oct 10

Forget sunshine, you need a vitamin D supplement

Vitamin D deficiency is remarkably common and linked to the development of several chronic diseases including common cancers, autoimmune, cardiovascular, and infectious diseases (1). Although vitamin D is made from sunlight a dietary supplement is the safest, most effective way to ensure you get enough vitamin D.

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Balance your hormones with breakfast
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 10

Balance your hormones with breakfast

Irregular painful menstrual periods may be the result of irregular eating habits. A new study has found that young women who skip breakfast are more likely to experience reproductive problems.

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Mercury laced rice for dinner
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 10

Mercury laced rice for dinner

Rice, a staple food for more than half the world population, may be a significant source of toxic mercury. This discovery raises new concerns about the health risks associated with mercury exposure.

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Coffee cuts colorectal cancer risk
Posted on Sun, 19 Sep 10

Coffee cuts colorectal cancer risk

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. Along with their daily cup of coffee regular coffee drinkers may also enjoy a modest reduction in colorectal cancer risk.

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