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Wet your lips, shrink your hips
Posted on Wed, 12 May 10

Wet your lips, shrink your hips

Beyond simply being a healthy alternative to sugar sweetened drinks water might improve your metabolism and help control your appetite. In any case, it seems drinking more water is a simple way to promote weight loss.

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Use your dinner plate to lose weight
Posted on Wed, 12 May 10

Use your dinner plate to lose weight

Everyone knows they should eat more vegetables but the reality is that most people do not even meet recommended intakes. Changing the way you serve meals is an effective solution to increasing your vegetable intake which may in turn improve your health and help with weight management.

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Cancer causing environmental chemicals grossly underestimated
Posted on Wed, 12 May 10

Cancer causing environmental chemicals grossly underestimated

This is the verdict of a recent panel on environmental chemicals and cancer risk. The panel, appointed by the US presidency has heavily criticised the US National Cancer Program for not adequately addressing this issue.

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A daily dose of vitamin D could transform your health
Posted on Sun, 25 Apr 10

A daily dose of vitamin D could transform your health

Vitamin D deficiency is a pandemic health problem estimated to affect one billion people worldwide and it is highly likely you are deficient. Deficiency in Vitamin D affects bone health in children and adults and has been associated with increased risk of death from common cancers, autoimmune diseases, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure and infectious diseases (1). The good news is you can do something about it.

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Are you missing the essential ingredient to your health?
Posted on Sun, 25 Apr 10

Are you missing the essential ingredient to your health?

To ensure good health it is essential that you obtain enough omega-3 fatty acids from your diet each day, yet if you are like most people you are not getting as much as you need. A daily fish oil supplement, naturally rich in omega-3, can support the health of your heart, brain, immune system and skin and prevent life threatening disease. Are you getting enough?

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Daily health insurance with a multivitamin
Posted on Sun, 25 Apr 10

Daily health insurance with a multivitamin

A multivitamin formula can help ensure that your daily requirement of over 40 essential vitamins and minerals is met. Emerging evidence suggests that maintaining optimal daily micronutrient intake may help prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, macular degeneration and osteoporosis (1).

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