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Nutritional supplement may be better option for lowering the pressure
Posted on Mon, 22 Feb 10

Nutritional supplement may be better option for lowering the pressure

One in five people suffer from high blood pressure which is the third leading cause of death globally. Dietary and lifestyle change is the most effect treatment for high blood pressure yet often medications are used. Medications however are not particularly effective and fraught with side effects which is consequently why up to 50% of people stop their medication within one year. Fortunately there is a safe nutritional medicine that may help.

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Deep breathing more effective than medication
Posted on Mon, 22 Feb 10

Deep breathing more effective than medication

For centuries breathing exercises have been used in traditional medicine practices such as yoga and meditation for health. Now deep breathing has FDA approval as a treatment for stress relief and lowering blood pressure because it may be more effective than diet, exercise and medications.

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Dog owners enjoy a better life
Posted on Sun, 14 Feb 10

Dog owners enjoy a better life

As any dog owner knows, a dog is not only a friend but can help support new friendships through increased social interaction, such as talking to people when going for a walk together. Social support whether from a dog or human is important for health and wellbeing. As an example of just how important this effect may be a remarkable report found that patients with heart disease who owned a dog had a greater than 600% reduction in risk of dying (1).

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Cancer curbing cruciferous vegetables
Posted on Sat, 13 Feb 10

Cancer curbing cruciferous vegetables

What we eat is a major determinant of cancer development. It has been estimated that 30-35% of cancer cases are due to dietary factors, a figure that may be higher for specific cancers such as bowel cancer where diet has been linked to 70% of cases (1). Fruits and vegetables contain literally thousands of chemicals that have potential to reduce cancer risk and some vegetables have unusually high concentrations of anti-cancer compounds.

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Berries benefit your brain
Posted on Sat, 13 Feb 10

Berries benefit your brain

The development of age related diseases of the brain - cognitive impairment, Alzheimers disease and dementia - are strongly influenced by what we eat (1). Berry fruits such as strawberries and blueberries have the potential to protect your brain against the ravages of aging and even reverse symptoms such as memory loss and mood changes.

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Is red meat bad for your health?
Posted on Sat, 13 Feb 10

Is red meat bad for your health?

Red meat does not increase cardiovascular disease may lower cholesterol and is an important source of nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, niacin, zinc and iron. If eaten lean and in moderation that is. Considering the benefits of lean red meat the popular notion that red meat is bad for you may be somewhat misleading.

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