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Practical tips for cleansing and detoxification
Posted on Mon, 9 Nov 09

Practical tips for cleansing and detoxification

Environmental pollutants are widespread though our environment including in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. Minimising exposure and improving your bodys ability to detoxify is an important step towards reducing the effects of these chemicals and improving your health.

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A Mediterranean diet reduces the need for drugs in diabetics
Posted on Mon, 2 Nov 09

A Mediterranean diet reduces the need for drugs in diabetics

Type 2 diabetes is an immense public health problem. Although treatments such as dietary recommendations and medications exist both are imperfect due to factors such as poor treatment response and unwanted side-effects. More effective, lower risk diabetes management approaches are needed. A recent report suggests that regular dietary counselling and a low-carbohydrate Mediterranean diet can help control diabetes and avert the need for medication.

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Cinnamon for type 2 diabetes
Posted on Mon, 2 Nov 09

Cinnamon for type 2 diabetes

Just reading about aromatic spices can remind us of smells and flavors; in fact, it has been shown that simply reading the word cinnamon activates an area in your brain involved in smell called the primary olfactory cortex. The name cinnamon is thought to originally come from the Malay and Indonesian for sweet wood, coincidently this aromatic spice is gaining evidence to support its use for improving conditions related to poor blood sugar control including type 2 diabetes.

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A healthy neighbourhood cuts diabetes risk
Posted on Mon, 12 Oct 09

A healthy neighbourhood cuts diabetes risk

The residential environment we live in may have a large impact on our health. A unique study examining the availability of neighbourhood resources has found that accessibility to healthy food such as fruit and vegetables and greater opportunities to be physically active is associated with a reduced risk for type 2 diabetes (1). With the prevalence of type 2 diabetes expected to rise to 366 million by 2030 this finding has important implications (2).

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Mobile phones and brain cancer
Posted on Mon, 12 Oct 09

Mobile phones and brain cancer

Whether or not cell phones are linked to the development of brain tumours continues to be a hotly debated topic but this really boils down to which scientific reports you read, those funded by the mobile phone industry (which report that mobile phones protect against brain tumours) or those that have been independently funded (which report an increased risk for brain tumour in mobile phone users). As was the case for tobacco it may be that industry funded science is being used to delay action against the potential danger of mobile phones (1).

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Surprisingly small amounts of secondhand smoke can kill
Posted on Mon, 12 Oct 09

Surprisingly small amounts of secondhand smoke can kill

Despite the tobacco industrys concerted effort to down play the hazards of second-hand smoke exposure (passive smoking) up to 75% of non-smokers have a greatly increased risk of coronary heart disease due to passive smoking (1). Even very low levels of exposure to cigarette smoke are remarkably detrimental. It is now clear that low exposure to tobacco smoke, such as passive smoking or in those who only smoke 1-2 cigarettes a day, acutely affects cardiovascular health in a way that is comparable to that of a heavy smoker (2). What is important is not how much tobacco smoke you are exposed to, but whether you are exposed to it at all.

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