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Spice up your diet and enjoy better health
Posted on Thu, 1 Oct 09

Spice up your diet and enjoy better health

Herbs and spices have been used by humans for millennia with archaeological evidence dating back over 50,000 years. Although used in small amounts and often considered simply flavouring herbs and spices have profound health effects. The potential benefit of herbs and spices range from improving digestion and mood to helping prevent chronic diseases such as type-2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimers disease and certain types of cancer (1,2). It is often the small things in life that have the biggest effect.

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Practical tips for adopting a traditional Mediterranean diet
Posted on Wed, 30 Sep 09

Practical tips for adopting a traditional Mediterranean diet

Adopting a traditional Mediterranean style diet is a powerful way to optimise your health and prevent life threatening diseases (1). And the good news is you dont have to move to the Mediterranean to benefit.

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Environmental toxins linked to weight gain
Posted on Sat, 19 Sep 09

Environmental toxins linked to weight gain

Most, if not all, people carry a significant body burden of environmental pollutants including chemicals from plastics and pesticides commonly found in our food (1). In recent years research attention has turned to the discovery that many common pollutants may actually contribute to altered metabolism and weight gain. These pollutants, aptly named environmental obesogens, are known to be present at levels high enough to contribute to weight gain in a large percentage of the general population (2).

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Chamomile relieves anxiety
Posted on Wed, 16 Sep 09

Chamomile relieves anxiety

While the calming effects of a cup of chamomile tea are well known, this knowledge has been based on folklore. New research however suggests that chamomile tea really does calm your nerves. A clinical study in anxiety sufferers has found that the herb chamomile (Matricaria recutita) helped to relieve their symptoms (1).

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A healthy lifestyle reduces breast cancer risk
Posted on Wed, 16 Sep 09

A healthy lifestyle reduces breast cancer risk

Lifestyle change may significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence in breast cancer survivors, a major concern in these women. It has been found that obese women have a 50% increased risk for developing a secondary primary breast cancer, while those who consumed 7 or more alcoholic drinks per week had a 90% increased risk and smokers had a 120% increased risk of cancer reoccurrence (1).

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Avoid breast cancer, by staying in bed
Posted on Mon, 7 Sep 09

Avoid breast cancer, by staying in bed

A good nights sleep may cut your cancer risk. Sound like a good excuse for an early night? Actually it is, low levels of a hormone produced while sleeping called melatonin may significantly increase your risk of developing various cancers, in particular breast cancer (1).

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