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Secrets to a long and healthy life
Posted on Fri, 7 Aug 09

Secrets to a long and healthy life

The major causes of premature death and disease are due to preventable risk factors. To find out exactly which risk factors resulted in the highest number of early deaths a group from Harvard Medical School and their international colleagues have produced a large scale analysis with some striking findings.

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Ginseng: Alternative to Viagra
Posted on Tue, 4 Aug 09

Ginseng: Alternative to Viagra

The inability of a man to achieve and maintain an erection firm enough for mutually satisfactory sex with his partner is known as erectile dysfunction and is relatively common. A large scale survey found that erectile dysfunction increases with age and by age 50 to approximately 50% of men experience erectile dysfunction with this figure increasing to nearly 70% of men by age 70 [1].New medications for erectile dysfunction are being touted as wonder drugs, however a natural alternative has been in use for thousands of years and is supported by considerable research.

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Herbal PMS relief supported by science
Posted on Mon, 3 Aug 09

Herbal PMS relief supported by science

The fruiting berries of Vitex Agnus Castus (Chaste tree) have been used as herbal medicine for more than 2,500 years. The herb was used as a remedy for female health complaints in ancient Egypt, Rome and Medieval Europe and now modern research suggests Chaste tree is safe and effective for symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and breast pain (cyclical mastalgia) [1].

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Sun beds, not sunshine, cause cancer
Posted on Thu, 30 Jul 09

Sun beds, not sunshine, cause cancer

The World Health Organisation has raised the classification of tanning beds from a possible human carcinogen to a category 1 rating of carcinogenic to humans. In July 2009 a working group of 20 scientists from nine different countries met at the International Agency for Research on Cancer. In their report, published in Lancet Oncology, they reassessed types of radiation carcinogenic to humans and based on current evidence moved tanning beds into the highest risk category for causing cancer in humans [1].

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Natural antidepressant is safer than drugs
Posted on Wed, 29 Jul 09

Natural antidepressant is safer than drugs

Fatigue, restlessness, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, irritability, sleep disturbances, feeling worthless, guilt and loss of interest or pleasure are some of the symptoms of one of the most common medical complaints, depression. In fact depression will affect up to 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men during their life. There is a natural medicine that can help and it is as effective as and has fewer side effects than prescription drugs.

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Entering a virtual world controls emotional eating
Posted on Tue, 28 Jul 09

Entering a virtual world controls emotional eating

Overeating when stressed is strongly linked to weight gain and obesity. Relaxation however may help stop emotional eating in response to stress by improving reactions when under pressure. While traditional relaxation techniques may be useful a study has found that new technologies such as a virtual reality generated Green Valley may help.

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