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Electric light may cause cancer
Posted on Sun, 11 Oct 09

Electric light may cause cancer

Night is no longer dark in the modern world, and the Milky Way has disappeared. Electric light has benefits but there are also a few detriments. These are [1] loss of the night sky, [2] wasted energy, [3] harm to animal and plant life, [4] and perhaps increases in some severe human maladies such as cancers of breast and prostate. These are the words of Professor Richard Stevens, Cancer Epidemiologist. In the 1970s Stevens began to question why cancer rates dramatically rise as societies industrialise, a series of clues around this time led him to the propose the theory in 1987 that electric lighting at night disrupts natural human circadian rhythms causing changes in hormones that may be linked to breast cancer risk (1-2). The theory that light at night is linked to breast cancer, and perhaps others, is now well supported by evidence.

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Stress leaves footprints on your brain
Posted on Thu, 8 Oct 09

Stress leaves footprints on your brain

While many people feel they must maintain their stressful lives it is important to consider the long-term effects of chronic stress, one of the most important of which is arguably the gradual destruction of our brain. The wear and tear of chronic stress over time is known to insidiously destroy vital brain structures and impair our cognitive function (1). This brain melt down may eventually lead to the development of depression and dementia including Alzheimers disease later in life (2).

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Practical tips for breathing to reduce stress
Posted on Thu, 8 Oct 09

Practical tips for breathing to reduce stress

Shallow breathing may lead to tension and fatigue. Breathing with your diaphragm tends to reduce stress and improve energy. Abdominal breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, is a powerful way to decrease stress by activating relaxation centres in the brain. The abdominal expansion causes negative pressure to pull blood into the chest, improving the venous flow of blood back to the heart.

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Reconnect with your tribe
Posted on Wed, 7 Oct 09

Reconnect with your tribe

It has been proposed that we are currently experiencing such high rates of stress related disorders including anxiety, insomnia, drug abuse and depression because as a society we have become disconnected socially. In our not to distant past we generally lived in close-knit groups with strong social support, a shared world view and a clear sense of purpose and belonging (1). In the modern world regaining this social connectedness has important implications for our health and wellness.

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Happiness spreads health like a virus
Posted on Wed, 7 Oct 09

Happiness spreads health like a virus

People who experience higher levels of happiness, joy, excitement, enthusiasm and contentment live longer and are less likely to suffer disease than those who are less happy (1). Importantly, happier people do not experience less stress and adversity in their lives but rather they have more social support, a higher level of social connectedness and are more likely to be optimistic (2). This suggests happiness is dependant not only on an individuals outlook but also on the people around them. Recently it has been discovered, that much like a virus, happiness spreads contagiously through social networks.

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Would you like to live healthier and longer?
Posted on Mon, 5 Oct 09

Would you like to live healthier and longer?

We are all aging. In western culture this reality is often ignored or associated with the negative stereotype of declining mental and physical function however the reality is aging can be embraced and accompanied by excellent health. While there is no magic elixir for longevity it is possible to extend life and delay illness with a healthy lifestyle. An important element of a health promoting lifestyle is a healthy diet, and a diet that is emerging as a path to optimal health throughout our lifespan is the Mediterranean diet. People who follow a traditional Mediterranean style dietary pattern not only live longer, but enjoy much healthier lives well into old age.

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