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Drug induced digestive dilemma
Posted on Fri, 4 Sep 09

Drug induced digestive dilemma

The 2-3 kilograms of bacteria that typically reside inside our digestive tract have formed a harmonious relationship with our digestive system and are as much dependant on us for survival as we are on them. When our gut bacteria are out of balance life can be made a living hell with digestive symptoms such as pain, bloating, constipation and or diarrhoea (1). Alarmingly, a very common drug prescription is toxic to gut bacteria and may be the reason many people suffer from chronic digestive complaints.

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Peppermint cools off irritable bowel
Posted on Fri, 4 Sep 09

Peppermint cools off irritable bowel

Normally, our small intestine contains very little bacteria however an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine is not uncommon and may result in symptoms of bloating, constipation diarrhoea, discomfort and abdominal pain, a collection of symptoms otherwise know as irritable bowel syndrome (1). With current drug management approaches for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) relatively ineffective, up to 50% of IBS sufferers turn to complementary and alternative therapies for help. But which therapies work?

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That is not tobacco you are smoking
Posted on Thu, 27 Aug 09

That is not tobacco you are smoking

Even though the major side effect of smoking, death, is three fold that of non-smokers in middle age (35-69), smoking is on the rise, particularly in developing countries. In 2006, approximately 5.763 trillion cigarettes were manufactured, thats 2.4 per day for every person on earth (1,2). The underhanded behaviour of the tobacco industry is infamous and exemplified by the ingredients, beyond tobacco that are used in cigarettes. Since the 1970s the tobacco industry has been adding hazardous unregulated chemicals to cigarettes. If its not only tobacco people are smoking, what is it?

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Alcohol: a double edged sword
Posted on Tue, 25 Aug 09

Alcohol: a double edged sword

While alcohol may benefit your health by reducing heart disease risk this benefit is often outweighed by the effects of heavy drinking which include road traffic and other injuries, violence, chronic liver disease, cancers, alcohol abuse disorders and heart diseases such as stroke and high blood pressure. So how much alcohol is too much?

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Build a better brain
Posted on Fri, 21 Aug 09

Build a better brain

Increase your brain size. Improve your mood, cognitive function and emotional stability. Reverse depression and anxiety. Reduce the effects of stress and protect against dementia. These promises may sound as if from a science fiction novel but they are not. Certain nutrients have the power to achieve all of these, unfortunately many of us are missing out on the profound health benefits because we are not getting nearly enough from our diet (1).

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Sugary cause of digestive problems
Posted on Wed, 19 Aug 09

Sugary cause of digestive problems

Do you suffer from frequent abdominal pain and discomfort, diarrhoea or a sense of urgency, constipation or straining, bloating and distension? Chances are you do, these are the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a condition that affects 1 in 5 people. What many people dont know is that these symptoms may be caused by intolerance to a natural sugar found in common foods called fructose (1).

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