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The health effects of chronic cannabis use
Posted on Mon, 17 Aug 09

The health effects of chronic cannabis use

During the late 1960s a relatively unheard of drug emerged to become the most popular illicit drug on earth. In contrast to the popular notion that marijuana (Cannabis) is harmless it is problematic for a number of people, especially adolescents, and may have serious health consequences.

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Healthy living is the best life insurance
Posted on Wed, 12 Aug 09

Healthy living is the best life insurance

Adopting just a couple of healthy lifestyle behaviours may reduce your risk of major chronic disease by 80%. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine August 2009 reports that just 4 key behaviours (1) a healthy body weight, (2) not smoking, (3) eating a healthy diet and (4) regular exercise are the major determinants of whether or not you will suffer type 2 diabetes mellitus, heart attack, stroke or cancer.

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Breast cancer and vitamin D
Posted on Wed, 12 Aug 09

Breast cancer and vitamin D

Although health authorities are slow to accept the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and cancer development, there is now abundant evidence to show that low vitamin D levels play a causative role in the development of several common and deadly cancers including colon, ovarian and breast cancer [1].

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D for depression
Posted on Wed, 12 Aug 09

D for depression

Does winter get you down? Seasonal affective disorder, or depression during the winter months, is a common condition that is thought to be related to low levels of the sunlight vitamin, vitamin D. However with vitamin D deficiency affecting approximately 50% of people throughout the year D-pression may be more common than is realised.

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Vitamin D for flu protection
Posted on Tue, 11 Aug 09

Vitamin D for flu protection

As early as the 1940s it was found that when mice received low levels of vitamin D they were more susceptible to experimental swine flu infection than mice receiving adequate vitamin D [1]. Fast track to 2009 and scientists from the Public Health Agency of Canada are racing to discover whether vitamin D may be a way to fight the influenza epidemic, and with good reason [2]. There is mounting evidence to show that vitamin D may be a simple and safe solution to reducing influenza risk.

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Common food flavouring may trigger weight gain
Posted on Sat, 8 Aug 09

Common food flavouring may trigger weight gain

The popular food flavouring agent monosodium glutamate (MSG) was reported in 1968 to cause a set of symptoms such flushing, tightness of the chest or difficulty in breathing which was labelled as Chinese restaurant syndrome due to the popular use of this flavouring in Chinese food. Since this report however, there has been little evidence of such reactions to MSG, even when people who normally report symptoms are given MSG unknowingly [1-2]. Concerns over the safety of MSG have recently been reignited by a study suggesting MSG may be independently linked to weight gain.

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