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Genetically modified foods and you
Posted on Sat, 24 Apr 10

Genetically modified foods and you

The food biotechnology industry is blanketing propaganda about the safety of Genetically Modified Foods in the face of warnings about serious risks to human health from scientists and public health officials (1). There is a mass genetic experiment going on in our environment and diet and you are the guinea pig.

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Almonds are nuts about your health
Posted on Sun, 4 Apr 10

Almonds are nuts about your health

A small handful of almonds each day is a great way to enrich your diet with several important nutrients and may reduce your risk of heart disease risk by a remarkable 30%.

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Green tea helps with weight loss
Posted on Sun, 4 Apr 10

Green tea helps with weight loss

Tea is second only to water as the most widely consumed beverage in the world. Green tea contains naturally occurring phytochemicals, which along with caffeine can increase fat metabolism and result in weight loss.

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An apple a day keeps cancer at bay
Posted on Sun, 4 Apr 10

An apple a day keeps cancer at bay

The anticancer effects of apples are perhaps more pronounced than any other type of fruit or vegetable. Eating more than one apple a day for example could cut your colorectal cancer risk in half.

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Diet for cancer prevention and care
Posted on Mon, 22 Mar 10

Diet for cancer prevention and care

Although the link between smoking and cancer is well known, many people are not aware that other lifestyle factors are equally significant determinants of cancer risk (1). Cancer development has little to do with genetics and is determined by environment and lifestyle factors that can be changed to dramatically reduce risk and even delay disease progression (2). At the cornerstone of cancer prevention and care is diet.

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Slow ageing & prevent cancer with a metabolic tune up
Posted on Tue, 16 Mar 10

Slow ageing & prevent cancer with a metabolic tune up

Each day your body requires more than 40 essential vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients. Low micronutrient intake is remarkably common and linked to subtle metabolic damage which may lead to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer over time (1). Optimizing your metabolism each day is a simple way to maximise your health and prevent disease.

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